Monday, February 28, 2011


Today I worked with MH to create a movie poster in ROME, we used photoshopped images and edited text on ROME.  I think the movie poster will look very well in the end, and we still have stuff to do!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Today I worked on making the certificates for 1st 2nd for middle and high school talent show, my classmate and I are working together to make a detailed award.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

ROME and Today

Today I worked on Rome, its pretty cool, but confusing. Here is my work:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today I wrote a rough draft for my Prezi Wiki article.  It was about 3/4 of a page which is good, and it is very descriptive.  I also FINALLY finished my Mini Project for animated text, and it looks amazing! (opinion)

Animated Text

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today/Mini Project Progress

Today I looked at the animated text video tutorials, then went to Project Gutenberg and found myself a pirate book.  I got some text and started animating it.  It takes a while to animate only a little bit of text so this should take a little longer then I thought.  I also helped Karla out with how to do it, and wrote this post!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Today I labeled a picture with input/output depending on which item it showed. I also uploaded Cooliris to my blog, it's pretty cool.  I talked about Egypt and their government and posted this post.


I read a article on how Egypt's leader Mubarak has resigned from the position of "ruler".  He has left the position but has not officially left the Democratic Party.  Badraoui is the new leader that has been selected for the position but is not yet ruler.  The people did not like Mubarak as leader so they protested (violently) for their cause because Mubarak has been leader fro 30 years and it's supposed to be a democracy but it has turned into a dictatorship.


I think Cooliris is another flashy thing, but it's not like all of the other things.  It is just a way to view photos but it's good for mobile and blogs.  It's pretty simple and I don't think it's all that great.

Word Bank

1-Computer Screen/Monitor(output)
4-CD/DVD Drive(both)
9-Wireless Internet and Hub(both)
11-ActivBoard Pen(input)